LSMW to Update Customer Master Records with Transaction Recording
Step 1: Maintain Object attributes
Once the transaction is completed, R/3 records the flow of screens and fields and saves the information, as shown in Figure 5.
Step 2. Maintain Source Structures
Give a name and a description to the source structure (Figure 8).
Step 3. Maintain Source Fields
Figure 12 Field mapping and Conversion rules overview
Step 6: Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines
Step 7: Specify files
Step 8: Assign files
Step 9: Read data
Step 10: Display read data
Step 13: Create batch input session
Step 14: Run Batch Input Session
Call Legacy System Migration Workbench by entering
transaction code LSMW. Every conversion task is grouped together as Project /
Subproject / Object structure. Create a Project called LSMW_DEMO
and a Subproject as CUSTOMERS and Object as CUST_REC as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Conversion Task with Project, Subproject and Object
The main screen of LSMW provides wizard-like step-by-step
tasks, as shown in Figure 2. To complete your data conversion, you need
to execute these steps in sequence. Once a step is executed, the cursor is
automatically positioned to the next step.
Note that these steps may look different depending upon your
Personal menu settings. You could make step numbers visible by ‘Numbers
on’ icon or hidden by ‘Numbers off’ icon. You can execute a step by
double-clicking on the row. Toggle icon ‘Doubleclick=Display’ or
‘Doubleclick=Edit’, makes the step in ‘display’ mode or ‘change’ mode.
Figure 2 LSMW Wizard – initial screen
Step 1: Maintain Object attributes
In this example, you will be updating the customer master
records with the help of recording a transaction (XD02). Choose radio button Batch
Input Recording and click on the recording overview icon to record the R/3
transaction. Enter the Recording name as XD02_REC,
the description as Customer Master Updates Recording, and the
transaction code as XD02.
Figure 3 Object type ‘Transaction Recording’
The system calls the transaction code XD02 and prompts you
to complete the Change
Customer transaction, as shown in Figure 4. Enter the
key customer information (I entered customer number 1000, sales organization
1000, distribution channel 01, and division 00) and choose ‘Sales’ view within
‘Sales area data’. Make changes to these three fields (I entered, sales office
1010, sales group 110, and customer group 01) and save the transaction.
Figure 4 Transaction
recording for Transaction Code ‘XD02’
Once the transaction is completed, R/3 records the flow of screens and fields and saves the information, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Transaction recording overview
Note that the fields are
populated with default values. The values you entered when you recorded the
transaction are set by default.
Note that if you have more fields in the recording than
needed, you can remove them by clicking ‘Remove Screen field’ icon. 
Observe that the transaction-recording process stores field
names in a technical format. By pressing the F1 key on individual screen fields
and then pressing the F9 key, the system displays technical names. You then can
replace the technical names with descriptive names. Double-click on the field RF02D-KUNNR
and enter the name as KUNNR and the description as Customer Account
Number and remove the default value. (See Figure 6.)
Figure 6 Field attributes
Similarly, double-click on all other fields with default
values and make appropriate changes. Once you have made changes, the recording
overview screen looks like what you see in Figure 7.
Figure 7 Transaction
Recording Overview – with screen field attributes
Save your changes. When you go back to the initial screen,
you will see that the initial screen steps have changed. Since you want to
import data via the BDC method, the Direct Input and IDoc-related
steps are hidden, as they are not relevant.
Step 2. Maintain Source Structures
Give a name and a description to the source structure (Figure 8).
Figure 8 Source
Step 3. Maintain Source Fields
In this step, you need to list what fields are present in
the source structure. The easiest way is to click on ‘Table Maintenance’ icon
to enter Fieldname, Type and Length for each field
as shown in Figure 9
Figure 9 Source fields of source Structure
Note that your input file will have four fields as key
fields and you need to update three fields in the system.
Step 4: Maintain Structure Relations
Execute a step to ‘Maintain Structure
Relations’. (See Figure 10.) Since, there is only one Source and Target
Structure, the relationship is defaulted automatically.
Figure 10 Structure Relation
Step 5: Maintain field mapping and conversion rules
Field RF02D-D0310 represents that you chose ‘Sales
view’ for the customer Master screen accordingly its value should be set to X.
Keep your cursor on field RF02D-D0310 and click on Constant rule icon to
choose the constant value of ‘X’.
If your source file already has the field value, you choose
rule ‘Source Field’.
Keep cursor on field ‘KUNNR’ and click on ‘Assign Source field’
icon to choose source field CUSTOMER from structure XD02S as shown in Figure
Figure 11 Assign source fields
Similarly, assign ‘Source Field’ rules to the remaining
Once all the fields are mapped, you should have an overview
screen as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Field mapping and Conversion rules overview
Step 6: Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines
You can also maintain re-usable translations and
user-defined routines, which can be used across conversion tasks. In this case,
that step is not required.
Step 7: Specify files
In this step, we define how the layout of the input file is.
The input file is a [Tab] delimited with the first row as field names. It is
present on my PC (local drive) as C:\XD02.txt. (See Figure 13.)
Figure 13 File attributes
Create an Excel file (Figure 14) with your data and
save it as a Tab-delimited text file on your local drive (C:\) and name it
14 Source data in Excel file (saved as Tab
delimited file)
Step 8: Assign files
Execute step ‘Assign Files’ (Figure 15) and the
system automatically defaults the filename to the source structure.
Figure 15 Assign file to Source Structure
Step 9: Read data
In this step, LSMW reads the data (Figure 16) from
the source file (from your PC’s local drive). You have the option to read only
selected rows and convert data values to Internal format.
Figure 16 Read Data
Step 10: Display read data
This step (Figure 17) is optional. If required, you
can review the field contents for the rows of data read.
Figure 17 Display Read Data
Step 11: Convert data
This is the step that actually converts the source data (in
source format) to a target format. Based on the conversion rules defined,
source fields are mapped to target fields.
Step 12: Display Converted data
Again this is an optional step to view how the source data
is converted to internal SAP format (Figure 18).
Figure 18 Display Converted Data
Step 13: Create batch input session
Once the source data is converted in an internal format, you
can create a batch session to process updates (Figure 19).
Figure 19 Create Batch Input Session
Step 14: Run Batch Input Session
You can execute the BDC
session by Run Batch input session. Executing a batch input session is a
standard SM35 transaction for managing BDC sessions. Once you have
successfully executed the batch input session, the customer master records are
updated in the system. You can confirm this by viewing the customer master
records (XD03).
Note! Browsing thru these 14 steps, you may get a
feeling that this is a very lengthy and time-consuming activity. However, for
the purposes of demonstration, I have made it detailed. Although it looks
lengthy, actually it takes hardly few hours from start-to-finish! After playing
around with few simple LSMW scripts, you will find it so easy to change and
create more complex ones.