REPORT SAPLGRAP. ************************************************************************ * This program seds an audio alert to a specific user's frontend * server. The program needs a pre-registered rfc program listening on * every pc. The rfcexec can be started from the windows automatic * startup like this: * rfcexec -a100.100.100.100.rfcexec -ggatewayhostname -xsapgwXX * ^ ^ * IP of the pc IP of the gateway host ************************************************************************ * Get the terminal, that belongs to the user start-of-selection. data: user value 'IMRE'. DATA: OPCODE TYPE X VALUE 2. DATA: BEGIN OF USR_TABL OCCURS 10. INCLUDE STRUCTURE UINFO. DATA: END OF USR_TABL. CALL 'ThUsrInfo' ID 'OPCODE' FIELD OPCODE ID 'TAB' FIELD USR_TABL-*SYS*. * Get the corresponding IP address data: arp_command(30) value '/usr/sbin/arp', BEGIN OF TABL OCCURS 0, LINE(200), END OF TABL, ip_address(100). read table usr_tabl with key bname = 'IMRE'. if sy-subrc <> 0. write: 'There is no such a user logged in'. exit.endif. arp_command+14 = usr_tabl-term. CALL 'SYSTEM' ID 'COMMAND' FIELD arp_command ID 'TAB' FIELD TABL-*SYS*. read table tabl index 1. shift tabl right up to ')'. shift tabl right deleting trailing ')'. shift tabl left up to '('. shift tabl left deleting leading '('. * Get the systems that has been registered on the gateway. data: begin of connected_systems occurs 10. include structure GWY_SYSTEm. data: end of connected_systems. call function 'GWY_READ_CONNECTED_SYSTEMS' exporting gwhost = 'optima' gwserv = 'sapgw00' tables CONNECTED_SYSTEMS = CONNECTED_SYSTEMS. * Get the registrated entry for the user's ip. data: host_string(40). loop at CONNECTED_SYSTEMS. if CONNECTED_SYSTEMS-ADDR1 = tabl and CONNECTED_SYSTEMS-SYSTYPE = 'REGISTER_TP'. host_string = CONNECTED_SYSTEMS-tpname. exit. endif. endloop. if host_string is initial. write: 'No registered RFC server'. exit.endif. * Create a new destination in RFCDES tables: rfcdes. rfcdes-rfcdest = 'ZTTTT'. rfcdes-rfctype = 'T'. rfcdes-rfcoptions = 'H=%%RFCSERVER%%,N='. rfcdes-rfcoptions+19 = host_string. rfcdes-rfcoptions+59 = ','. condense rfcdes-rfcoptions NO-GAPS. modify rfcdes. if sy-subrc <> 0. write: 'Unsuccessfull modification'. exit. endif. commit work. * Call the alert with the new destination DATA : BEGIN OF RET OCCURS 10, TEXT(80), END OF RET . data: command(256) value 'sndrec32.exe /play /close c:/winnt/ringin.wav'. CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_REMOTE_EXEC' DESTINATION 'ZTTTT' EXPORTING COMMAND = COMMAND TABLES PIPEDATA = RET. * Delete the rfc destination clear rfcdes. select single * from rfcdes where rfcdest = 'ZTTTT'. delete rfcdes. if sy-subrc <> 0. write: 'Unsuccessfull delete'. exit. endif. commit work.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
This ABAP rings the bell on any chosen pc, that has a sapgui connected to SAP
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